For Entrepreneurs

Make the Vision Plain is back

Inspirational messages from me to my fellow entrepreneurs

Sierra J. McKissick


Earlier this week, I announced via my email list that in 2024, I will be returning to the Internet. The previous year was a semi-rest and recovery period that allowed me to shift from doing to being. I love what I do as an educator and founder, but it can tax my sensibilities. I took a break to restore my creative soul, spirit, and mind from a long run in higher education and becoming a founder.

This year, I'm coming in hot!
I'm bringing back the MVP series that teaches storytelling content strategies and business tips to creators and professionals. This was a weekly email series for subscribers on my email list and Facebook group as a part of #smXcoaching. Only subscribers and group members could benefit from the resources and tips I shared. Now, subscribers and readers on Medium can access old and new content from the MVP series on the blog.

Over the last six years, I've discussed several shortcomings in my pivot into entrepreneurship in the tech and wellness marketplace. Still, my biggest regret was not finding a community to exchange learning practices early on. I did it alone. And it was extremely unhealthy and isolating. Even some attempts fell short while trying to take advantage of free opportunities on platforms like iFund Women and the community built by Marlena Banks, the founder of Big Food Idea.

I started the Make the Vision Plain series (MVP series) to help newbie creators with larger-than-life ideas hone their voice and vision and develop a plan that will enable them to make their creative dream a success. In the series, you can access:

  • Articles and videos that will help you develop a list of creative assets, deliverables, and resources within your network.
  • Articles that break down best practices for copywriting, instructions for developing content that reflects your voice, and tips for navigating tone across all communications
  • Articles for establishing or defining executive roles and creating equitable employee opportunities and spaces that encourage belonging and professional growth
  • Inspirational and practical tools to manage your visionary project or business and confidently create an impact in the marketplace

As a creative strategist and multimedia specialist with experience in content strategy and digital marketing, I offer consulting services that support teams seeking to increase visibility and develop a brand experience that reflects their unique story and attracts customers. Learn more about my closed-door coaching services here.

Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

This collection of articles For Entrepreneurs will benefit you if you want a readable summarization of many high-level business theories and practices. I have spent years carefully digesting business resources, studying the consumer marketplace, and testing behind the scenes with my company and others I have consulted. In short, I know what works.

A lack of consistency in the right area is like pouring acid on a plant and expecting it to grow.

#1 Problem Facing First-Time Entrepreneurs

Many first-time entrepreneurs are intimidated by the influence social media has on creating a demand. They get caught up in following trends and creating something funny that goes viral; they must remember that followers are not synonymous with paying customers. There are thousands of influencers and businesses with enough followers to be considered micro or macro-pages but barely meet their monthly income goals. A lack of consistency in the right area is like pouring acid on a plant and expecting it to grow. Redirect your focus on creating content that increases your visibility to perfect your content in front of a small audience who can provide you with critical feedback. Adjusting your products or services before being under the microscope of social media gives you a chance to become more confident as a salesperson and founder. Once you can get two hundred followers to purchase, you will have a better chance of securing and managing two thousand customers.

For Entrepreneurs

6 stories

Was this helpful? Follow my blog for more inspiration for newbie entrepreneurs packed with tools to be confidently creative using your unique story and skills. My tips, experiences, and advice about confidently living and creating content are all yours.

Take Care Weekly Email and Podcast

I have been known to be hilarious, caring, and honest — especially with myself. But I have a lot to learn about taking care of myself. Sign up to join me on a renewed journey to balancing joy and unpleasant feelings.



Sierra J. McKissick

I’m a writer and educator. I write about behavioral and spiritual health choices and inclusive creative strategies. @iamsierrajecre